Prevention is the best `treatment for motion sickness

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Although not recommended by the manufacturer, some people cut the patch in half before applying it. This can diminish side effects while still bringing relief from motion sickness symptoms. Wash your hands carefully after handling the patch; otherwise you may transfer some scopolamine to your eyes, and it can dilate the pupils for days. Children and pregnant women should not use the drug. Also, avoid it if you have glaucoma or urinary problems from an enlarged prostate Motion sickness results when the brain receives conflicting signals caused by excessive motion. Although most of the motion signals arise from the inner ears, your eyes and special sensors in your tendons and joints also play a role Seasickness is probably the most common form of motion sickness. Some people begin to feel squeamish as soon as their ship leaves port. Others have no trouble unless there is bad weather. After repeated exposure to the motions that prompt your symptoms, the body often adjusts and motion sickness becomes less of a problem. However, there are exceptions; some experienced sailors never overcome their seasickness.